Seeking Analytic Expression
Observe Coulomb's law;
invoke calculus; behold

One can derive the
force on a point charge in an
electric field.

But do we know
what moves us,
or the fields
induced by the world?

We agree: knowledge of an object is as course as Planck's constant.
The object doesn’t elude us; there’s just not more to know.
But we’re larger than the bound. Surely quantum mechanics can explain ourselves to us.
Tunneling—our minds must be consciousness pouring over gaps.
Our selves must be state vectors superimposed.
I am ready to find my identity. A measurement.
As I begin to write it down I feel it decohere, and I don’t know what to jot.

Walking clouds of matter
and mentality,
slurries of emotions stirred into evolving
memories, colored by kaleidoscope senses--our concepts are
nebular mosaics
in galaxy minds
trying to find symbolic form.